
Employer paid herself back for training that happened 6 months ago….

My wife has recently resigned from a hair salon to work for herself (Ontario, Canada). Her final paycheque had a “ADVANCE” deduction. She inquired as to what it was and the employer said it was for a training course she did 6 months ago. Their policy manual said they would be liable for training reimbursement if they resigned in the first year of employment, but she was there for 26 months. It is my understanding that this is not allowed unless agreed to in writing….anybody have any insight before we file a labour board complaint?

My wife has recently resigned from a hair salon to work for herself (Ontario, Canada). Her final paycheque had a “ADVANCE” deduction. She inquired as to what it was and the employer said it was for a training course she did 6 months ago. Their policy manual said they would be liable for training reimbursement if they resigned in the first year of employment, but she was there for 26 months. It is my understanding that this is not allowed unless agreed to in writing….anybody have any insight before we file a labour board complaint?

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