
Think of creating a app called Unionize.

Essentially the function of the app would be to gather large amounts of people anonymously so they can effectively unionize. This could be based on state, town, locality, zip code. You would choose the industry you work in and would be able to see groups created that are attempting to unionize or already unionize. It would be direct platform for union member to be able to communicate with unions leader and discuss reviews. All salaries and wages will be public so everyone knows what each position typically pays. If your union leader you salary will be displayed. If you wage worker you hourly rate or salary will be public. The only caveat would be that this app would charge $3 per month. But for every referral you earn $10 as credits that can only be used towards the subscription price to avoid churning. This company will remain a nonprofit and…

Essentially the function of the app would be to gather large amounts of people anonymously so they can effectively unionize. This could be based on state, town, locality, zip code. You would choose the industry you work in and would be able to see groups created that are attempting to unionize or already unionize. It would be direct platform for union member to be able to communicate with unions leader and discuss reviews. All salaries and wages will be public so everyone knows what each position typically pays. If your union leader you salary will be displayed. If you wage worker you hourly rate or salary will be public. The only caveat would be that this app would charge $3 per month. But for every referral you earn $10 as credits that can only be used towards the subscription price to avoid churning. This company will remain a nonprofit and any profit derived from it will go towards a charity of choice or be donated as a fund to other aspiring to form unions. by all app users (only those registered with there would also be an employee verification process where union leaders will responsible for approving employees when they join the forum so only) These forums will only be able to viewed by company employees only for privacy reasons.

If this post gets more than 100 upvotes. I will continue to provide updates. I’m still fairly new to swift coding language and am still learning. I expect this journey to take at least 1-2 years before I have something out. If anybody wants to help or interested please PM. Might create a discord group.

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