
Had a job interview who openly punished people for using sick days…

Like why the hell would you offer sick days to people and punish people for using them? Especially openly admitting to firing those people to a potential new hire? Like, yeah… no thanks… Especially on top of the position I was going for was set up for 12 hours (only crew) but all the other crews were set up for 8 hours, thus all the benefits (PTO / vacation time) is set up in 8 hours thus the 12 hour people are getting screwed on getting benefits and technically getting less while working more. ​ Cherry on top: They're wondering why no one wants to work for them admittingly they paid good but the past 2 months they've worked 7-12's. No breaks, no time off and they demand you be on call the entire year and demand you respond to emergencies at any time of the hour, day, year. On…

Like why the hell would you offer sick days to people and punish people for using them? Especially openly admitting to firing those people to a potential new hire? Like, yeah… no thanks… Especially on top of the position I was going for was set up for 12 hours (only crew) but all the other crews were set up for 8 hours, thus all the benefits (PTO / vacation time) is set up in 8 hours thus the 12 hour people are getting screwed on getting benefits and technically getting less while working more.

Cherry on top: They're wondering why no one wants to work for them admittingly they paid good but the past 2 months they've worked 7-12's. No breaks, no time off and they demand you be on call the entire year and demand you respond to emergencies at any time of the hour, day, year. On call 24 hours / 365 days a year – no on call pay.

I've heard of places where you have to work a lot – but never heard of a place you practically have to sell your soul. I come from a construction background with crazy hours – but this is just ridiculous.

On call 24h / 365. Horrible PTO / vacation package. Most of the schedule is 7/12's, no days off. Use a sick day = fired.

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