
Certain jobs most certainly result in sociopathic tendencies or mental illness.

Do you remember your first job? Well if you can recall, there is a very good chance that you were a “go getter” or highly motivated to do a good job at the time. You likely didn't want to make a bad name for yourself, or even leave a negative impression on your boss. Why did you feel that way? Your first job is typically your lowest paying in life. Yet you likely went the extra mile, or beat your body up even harder just to satisfy your mangers, and collect a very low wage. Maybe you didn't have a choice, and needed the job to not starve, or you were cast into family debt… in which case I can completely understand, but I shame your employer for their lack of understanding. However, as adolescence ends and you start to look at the world around you, you begin to want…

Do you remember your first job? Well if you can recall, there is a very good chance that you were a “go getter” or highly motivated to do a good job at the time.
You likely didn't want to make a bad name for yourself, or even leave a negative impression on your boss. Why did you feel that way? Your first job is typically your lowest paying in life. Yet you likely went the extra mile, or beat your body up even harder just to satisfy your mangers, and collect a very low wage. Maybe you didn't have a choice, and needed the job to not starve, or you were cast into family debt… in which case I can completely understand, but I shame your employer for their lack of understanding.
However, as adolescence ends and you start to look at the world around you, you begin to want things. Maybe its a magazine cover, or a movie, or even just seeing somebody wealthy.. but it stirs you to the core. You WANT that. You want the opposite sex to notice you. You want status, and power. So you work and work and work.. maybe you even say forget that and go to school to hopefully get a better wage.

All the while chasing something that isn't real.
All the while chasing a piece of paper that a government or entity can just print without issue.

At that junction, you likely went one of three way.
You either give up, and just continue working the low wage job, never noticing the ego growing. Or, you realize it's a game, but play anyway.. Or, you realize it's a game and give up.

But did you ever stop to smell the flowers, or think about the the future.
Probably not.
Over time most get so goddamn greedy that they will defamate others, or take other means just to better their position on the shit pile.

All in the name of money.

Let's say you decide not to play. Well, you will likely be looked down upon by people. You may even end up homeless.
It's a system of fear.
It's designed to lock you in.
The more afraid you are, the higher the chance of you being successful in a job.
Fear is the ultimate motivation.. people in power and the like are aware of this and will certainly use it against you. Meanwhile, that person in power was once just like you. (Or maybe they weren't and they inherent their business or something)

They will USE you.. because they were used. So they find it fair. They will put you in dangerous situations that they don't want to do themselves.
For their personal benefit, or for the benefit of the company.
The higher you climb the corporate latter, the more savage and heartless you have to be. The more you have to manipulate people based on your fake little nametag that says “manager” “supervisor” “boss” or the like…
These titles mean nothing in the real world. It's a fake idea backed by fake monetary principles and once you take that nametag off, you should lose the ego too.. but most don't. They keep their ego.
They are often half assed motivated and got their little manager position and never look further. Hundreds or thousands of employees will come and go under them, and most will get so fed up that they either leave for better things, or stay and torture themselves at the mercy of a ever growing incompetent leadership role.

So what is modern success, really? Is it just having such a cold heart that you will do anything to avoid fear?

Or is it recognizing that the effort is futile, and pursuing your own means?

In either case. It's false.
As in artificial.
I can promise you, the only real value in life, is life itself.
Those that look to use the suffering of life to their advantage, are indeed sociopaths.
Their victims, will suffer..

Don't be a victim… but does that make you desire a better position in life?

Hence, the circle continues.

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