
GM job but no pay increase? I think not.

Apologies for the format, I'm on my phone So the business I work for has only had 1 GM for the entire company , they were the original GM of the first store and has continued to be a GM over the multiple stores that have since opened. This works as well as you think it does. As managers we had to have things approved by them and had to go to them anytime something went wrong, or we wanted to change something to make our day-to-day easier. Recently the owners if the company realized that system doesn't work, because one GM for 4 stores is a bad idea… who woulda thought? So they decide to pick a manager from each store to be “Head Manager”(aka a General Manager) of their location, and to take over roles the GM previously had. So we finally get our own GM for each…

Apologies for the format, I'm on my phone

So the business I work for has only had 1 GM for the entire company , they were the original GM of the first store and has continued to be a GM over the multiple stores that have since opened. This works as well as you think it does.

As managers we had to have things approved by them and had to go to them anytime something went wrong, or we wanted to change something to make our day-to-day easier. Recently the owners if the company realized that system doesn't work, because one GM for 4 stores is a bad idea… who woulda thought? So they decide to pick a manager from each store to be “Head Manager”(aka a General Manager) of their location, and to take over roles the GM previously had. So we finally get our own GM for each store and previous GM is now Operations Manager. Cool!

So our GM for our store is out on leave, and will be gone for a total of 6 months(assuming they are coming back, we're in the US so you never know). I'm taking on their responsibilities and role in the store during this time. I've been there for 2 years and have been managing for 10 months now. I asked for a raise because we are about to be in our busy season, and I am already taking on a good bit more than I signed on for, and they are putting more responsibilities on the store each week. Its worth mentioning the benefits have been reduced since I came on as well, though that affected all managers.

The response to my asking for compensation for doing more, not to mention I will still be fully trained and experienced as a GM at that point, was this: Because I'm a temporary GM, I shouldn't get a pay increase. Also, my boss who is supposed to evaluate us, said he doesn't work with me enought to be able to give me a review. Which leaves me to wonder why he picked me for such an important spot when anither store has a surplus of managers he could have pulled from. Seems like they want GM work for Assistant pay.

I'd normally give a month notice, but they get 2 weeks max from me after pulling that stunt. Play stupid games…
Best part is we are a 3 manager team and another one of us just put our notice in too. So long suckers

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