
Constantly getting on my supervisor’s radar is making work hell

Not even sure how, but I seem to constantly get off on the wrong foot this week with my supervisor. Context, I left my bank teller job because it was an hour each way (during peak traffic times) and the area the bank is located is extremely sketchy. The final straw was someone stealing the CAT convertor off my old car. I managed to get a job at the same company my boyfriend works at, but as a contractor (I work security for this company and I got desk position). Plus! It's 15 minutes from our house. Anyways, when I started, I had a super chill guy as my supervisor who always had your back. What I didn't know until a month ago was that he was actually filling in as a temp. supervisor while the actual supervisor was on maternity leave. When I met her, she was cool. But…

Not even sure how, but I seem to constantly get off on the wrong foot this week with my supervisor. Context, I left my bank teller job because it was an hour each way (during peak traffic times) and the area the bank is located is extremely sketchy. The final straw was someone stealing the CAT convertor off my old car. I managed to get a job at the same company my boyfriend works at, but as a contractor (I work security for this company and I got desk position). Plus! It's 15 minutes from our house.

Anyways, when I started, I had a super chill guy as my supervisor who always had your back. What I didn't know until a month ago was that he was actually filling in as a temp. supervisor while the actual supervisor was on maternity leave. When I met her, she was cool. But I hardly work with her as our offices are not even in the same building. This week, no matter what I did, I somehow kept on getting on her bad side. Whether it's for a mistake, her lecturing me on a process I was apparently doing wrong, etc. And I mean I've been doing my best to follow everything down to the T and yet somehow there was always something to complain about. This morning I was dreading to come into work and was almost late. I lied and said I forgot to clocked in but man, I really hope it's not like this for the rest of my time here. I already applied to other positions previously (since I want to actually work at the same company as my bf not just as a contractor) since the the former temp supervisor actually referred me to company positions so I could get out of working security.

It really feels like the more I do “right” the more there is to complain about from my supervisor. I don't know, I'm really just venting and hate having to deal with this and was hoping that posting it here would help me get over it.

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