
A bad start and end to my first job

Yesterday I(23F) was fired. I would like it to be known this is my first paid job and I have worked three shifts (18hours in total) As my first really paid job I was slightly clueless. I was working for a small organisation in my community that owns different places in my town and other towns around me. I worked in their café two towns over. I worked my first shift on the 4th and my second on the 5th of this month. I worked my last shift on the 13th. On the Tuesday and Wednesday (4th-5th) I was with my boss and two other people. Both days were fine. It was too busy for me to really speak to anyone and to really get to know their system. On the Wednesday of the following week (12th) I was put on with the person who was supposed to be showing…

Yesterday I(23F) was fired. I would like it to be known this is my first paid job and I have worked three shifts (18hours in total)

As my first really paid job I was slightly clueless. I was working for a small organisation in my community that owns different places in my town and other towns around me.

I worked in their café two towns over. I worked my first shift on the 4th and my second on the 5th of this month. I worked my last shift on the 13th.

On the Tuesday and Wednesday (4th-5th) I was with my boss and two other people. Both days were fine. It was too busy for me to really speak to anyone and to really get to know their system.

On the Wednesday of the following week (12th) I was put on with the person who was supposed to be showing me the ropes (we shall call them my temporary manager, TM for short) and a male coworker who I hadn't worked with before, obviously this is expected as I was new. I had arrived twenty minutes early to my shift.

(I should say that the commute over was one and half hours from the town I stay in so I would get in half an hour to twenty minutes early)

At the beginning of my shift TM asked me what books I read if I did read, I said I read religious books, not because I am religious but because I find religion interesting.

They seemed to react negatively but that was something I expected since I don't know alot of people who are so into religion and philosophy that they buy and read books about it. I said that “it doesn't matter, Its not everyone's cup of tea” this is something that i thought was normal to say. I was trying to move the conversation away but they asked about my religious views. I said that I was an atheist and that although I didn't believe in religion I did find it beautiful, then I asked if they were religious to which they said they didn't want to answer and I just moved on from that conversation to go and clean the coffee machine.

From that point on TM and the my other co-worker stayed in the kitchen ignoring me and when I would try and engage with them they would ignore me until I left the kitchen area to which they'd continue discussing.

Each time a customer would come in TM would go straight to the till and take the order. As they would I would go to get the order ready. Following me getting the order ready they would tell me to stop because they wanted to make it.

Overall it was a miserable shift. I ended up missing my train home and having to get a lift from a friend to get home.

When I got in I started to feel really sick and so the next morning when it hadn't subsided I called in explaining that I was sick. They told me that the office upstairs was closed and so no-one would be there to take my call until the coming Monday. I had tried to explain that I didn't think I'd be well enough to work the rest of my shifts which I now think I might not have explained well enough.

Yesterday morning I got in early as I had expected too, I worked most of an hour before my boss came down to ask me for a chat. She told me that because I hadn't called in on the days assides from the Thursday, and because I had discussed religion and politics that I had broken company policy and that I was fired.

So that was my first job
I hope you all appreciate

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