
And this is why you never share your rate in the workplace.

A while back I was working at this retirement home as a server (waiter) in their dining department. I was there for a year and a half. The company was desperate for servers as people had quit to go back to college as the school year was beginning. Well one day the team was discussing how much they were making. I heard one of them say 2 dollars more than what I was getting paid. Now note this: I had been there for a year and a half and had not received a raise and I continued to ask for one almost ever 3 months. So I decided that it was time to leave so I put in my 2 weeks notice and they were a little confused. So HR calls me in and asks why I’m leaving. I explained the whole situation and literally said “would it be possible…

A while back I was working at this retirement home as a server (waiter) in their dining department. I was there for a year and a half. The company was desperate for servers as people had quit to go back to college as the school year was beginning. Well one day the team was discussing how much they were making. I heard one of them say 2 dollars more than what I was getting paid. Now note this: I had been there for a year and a half and had not received a raise and I continued to ask for one almost ever 3 months. So I decided that it was time to leave so I put in my 2 weeks notice and they were a little confused. So HR calls me in and asks why I’m leaving. I explained the whole situation and literally said “would it be possible for my compensation to be increased as I have been here for 1.5 years?” I was a damn good server too. They said they would get the paper work filled out and sent over to the director for approval (who would always deny it). I ended up quitting because it was a toxic environment and I found another position heading towards my career.

My question is what is the typical process when you ask for a raise (I know it varies from company to company).

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