
Fed Up Daycare Worker…

Ok, I work at a daycare and at this point I'm wondering if I'll find a daycare that follows all of their policies for everyone. Children and staff, no exceptions, and no favoritism… every child in my classroom is sick. Coughing and terrible runny noses with yellow or green snot… it's in the policy that children that have any cold symptoms can't come into the center until they have been to the doctor and have a doctor's note… but that doesn't happen… but then the staff gets sick and we are forced to go to the doctor and can't come back to work without a note. I had the stomach bug a few months ago THAT I GOT FROM KIDS IN MY CLASSROOM! And was forced to go to the doctor feeling like I was going to throw up the entire time (yall I had to bring a mini trash…

Ok, I work at a daycare and at this point I'm wondering if I'll find a daycare that follows all of their policies for everyone. Children and staff, no exceptions, and no favoritism… every child in my classroom is sick. Coughing and terrible runny noses with yellow or green snot… it's in the policy that children that have any cold symptoms can't come into the center until they have been to the doctor and have a doctor's note… but that doesn't happen… but then the staff gets sick and we are forced to go to the doctor and can't come back to work without a note. I had the stomach bug a few months ago THAT I GOT FROM KIDS IN MY CLASSROOM! And was forced to go to the doctor feeling like I was going to throw up the entire time (yall I had to bring a mini trash can with me just in case!) We keep brining up that the kids are sick and have bad runny noses and just keep being told to “monitor them for a few days and see if it gets better.” Excuse me, but last time I checked I have a degree in early childhood education, not in the medical field, I'm not a doctor, and I sure as hell don't get paid enough to act like one.

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