
Hey, remember that promotion we said no? How about now doing it for free?

So I posted before that I got denied for a job promotion. There were reasons, but big reason was that I didn't have experience in a particular program (that's literally just a Microsoft product but with more features). Today, I got an mass sent email asking us if we were comfortable with that same program because they're looking to resource us to projects. Things have happened big time in our company and they're scrambling to put people in places. When I saw the program mentioned (and only mentioned), I INSTANTLY knew. “This is that exact job I got denied for. They're going to put anybody in this job now, at least for six months.” These assholes put me and others through a whole song and dance, made us wait months to hear a rejection, find out they hired an outside person… And NOW it turns out ANYONE can do the…

So I posted before that I got denied for a job promotion. There were reasons, but big reason was that I didn't have experience in a particular program (that's literally just a Microsoft product but with more features).

Today, I got an mass sent email asking us if we were comfortable with that same program because they're looking to resource us to projects. Things have happened big time in our company and they're scrambling to put people in places.

When I saw the program mentioned (and only mentioned), I INSTANTLY knew. “This is that exact job I got denied for. They're going to put anybody in this job now, at least for six months.”

These assholes put me and others through a whole song and dance, made us wait months to hear a rejection, find out they hired an outside person… And NOW it turns out ANYONE can do the job!!! All that bullshit about “it's so disciplined ” and “we require so much experience ” is complete horseshit.

What makes it worse is that they're not gonna pay us a good rate. Nah. Same low level of pay. They really, REALLY sat there on good candidates like myself and said “you know what would be SO FUNNY…”

The other thing is that I got so mad, I just self taught the program in two weeks using YouTube videos and manuals.

Lie on your resume and apply for whatever you can, people. Companies are just legitimately making it all up.

And yes, I am looking very actively for another job and hopefully got one lined up.

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