
People at my work are trying to police time being spent on the restroom

I got told about how they’ve been noticing that I spend too much time on the bathroom or taking breaks , to the point they time it when they see me coming in and then coming out. In a workplace where we are all supposed to be adults , I have people or I should be saying , Rats that tell my supervisor the time I’ve being spending on breaks , bathroom or chatting with my coworkers. Is insulting , because despite all of this I still get the job done , but some rats would rather nitpick the rare times I do something wrong to keep me from moving up.

I got told about how they’ve been noticing that I spend too much time on the bathroom or taking breaks , to the point they time it when they see me coming in and then coming out. In a workplace where we are all supposed to be adults , I have people or I should be saying , Rats that tell my supervisor the time I’ve being spending on breaks , bathroom or chatting with my coworkers.

Is insulting , because despite all of this I still get the job done , but some rats would rather nitpick the rare times I do something wrong to keep me from moving up.

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