
Work colleagues just text me reminding me to do things for work tomorrow… it’s bank holiday in the UK

Just to add context in from the UK and today was a bank holiday for us (public holiday) it’s currently 9pm and me and the boyf were just settling down to watch a film to make the most of the remaining time off, before back to work tomorrow. when I get a text message from a colleague talking about work that needs to be done tomorrow! Why do these people think it’s ok to message you about work like you have nothing better to do! It’s nothing urgent nor do I get paid enough money to worry about my job out of work hours! It’s so frustrating now I feel like I can’t enjoy the film because I’ve been reminded about work!

Just to add context in from the UK and today was a bank holiday for us (public holiday) it’s currently 9pm and me and the boyf were just settling down to watch a film to make the most of the remaining time off, before back to work tomorrow. when I get a text message from a colleague talking about work that needs to be done tomorrow! Why do these people think it’s ok to message you about work like you have nothing better to do! It’s nothing urgent nor do I get paid enough money to worry about my job out of work hours! It’s so frustrating now I feel like I can’t enjoy the film because I’ve been reminded about work!

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