
We should get legislation on commute pay

We should require employers to have to pay for commute. If they don't like it offer better wages so they can live closer. Commute should be calculated as 2 hours a day. 1 to get there and 1 to get back. Everyone should be getting paid 50hr work weeks instead of 40 hours. Commute = work I don't care what you say. We workers can make this happen. This will incentivize employers to offer Full Time WFH to cut down on payroll cost. Also it will help reduce green houses gases like the corporate agenda been telling us for year's.

We should require employers to have to pay for commute. If they don't like it offer better wages so they can live closer. Commute should be calculated as 2 hours a day. 1 to get there and 1 to get back. Everyone should be getting paid 50hr work weeks instead of 40 hours. Commute = work I don't care what you say. We workers can make this happen. This will incentivize employers to offer Full Time WFH to cut down on payroll cost. Also it will help reduce green houses gases like the corporate agenda been telling us for year's.

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