
Being unemployed experience

I have been unemployed and living off of my savings account. My mom told me “I don’t work hard”. I am submitting applications and doing my best on interviews and my email is full of rejection emails. My wife isn’t being understanding, and everyone is acting like I am choosing not to work. They point out random restaurants hiring even though I have a bachelors degree, military experience and management experience. How would working a dead end job fix my current situation when I’m looking for a career after a layoff? People treat me much worse when I don’t have a job. It’s sad to see everyone calling me lazy or unmotivated when I’m trying. “Everyone is hiring”, doesn’t mean they’re hiring me.

I have been unemployed and living off of my savings account. My mom told me “I don’t work hard”. I am submitting applications and doing my best on interviews and my email is full of rejection emails.

My wife isn’t being understanding, and everyone is acting like I am choosing not to work. They point out random restaurants hiring even though I have a bachelors degree, military experience and management experience.

How would working a dead end job fix my current situation when I’m looking for a career after a layoff? People treat me much worse when I don’t have a job. It’s sad to see everyone calling me lazy or unmotivated when I’m trying. “Everyone is hiring”, doesn’t mean they’re hiring me.

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