
Been noticing a troubling trend

I’m a blue collar worker who mostly works in shops. I’ve noticed that more places are starting to willingly give up their second break. For what reason I don’t know. I THINK it has something to do with wanting to be seen as hard working, as if an extra ten minutes on the floor is going to make any significant difference. Some places are even scheduling their lunch break around this new “system”. I was told I’d get two paid 10-minute breaks, but I’ve only gotten one. If I only get one, at least make it a fifteen, and at least don’t lie to my face in the interview

I’m a blue collar worker who mostly works in shops. I’ve noticed that more places are starting to willingly give up their second break. For what reason I don’t know. I THINK it has something to do with wanting to be seen as hard working, as if an extra ten minutes on the floor is going to make any significant difference. Some places are even scheduling their lunch break around this new “system”. I was told I’d get two paid 10-minute breaks, but I’ve only gotten one. If I only get one, at least make it a fifteen, and at least don’t lie to my face in the interview

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