
my mom’s employer’s insurance is negatively impacting our family

Not sure if this type of post is appropriate here, but I figured some others here might have experience with the same thing. A little over a year ago, my mom quit her shitty job as a 911 operator for a state university and moved to do emergency intake at a hospital. This hospital is part of a medical group that we have been a part of for awhile. A couple of months ago, her workplace announced that in order for their insurance to cover prescriptions for employees and their families, the scrips have to be ordered through the group’s mail order pharmacy. Now, I’ve had prescriptions filled through the mail order pharmacy before, and they suck. Late prescriptions, no way to track, awful website, etc. I usually pick up my meds from the pharmacy on my campus (I live out of state away from my parents). So, I had…

Not sure if this type of post is appropriate here, but I figured some others here might have experience with the same thing.

A little over a year ago, my mom quit her shitty job as a 911 operator for a state university and moved to do emergency intake at a hospital. This hospital is part of a medical group that we have been a part of for awhile.

A couple of months ago, her workplace announced that in order for their insurance to cover prescriptions for employees and their families, the scrips have to be ordered through the group’s mail order pharmacy. Now, I’ve had prescriptions filled through the mail order pharmacy before, and they suck. Late prescriptions, no way to track, awful website, etc.

I usually pick up my meds from the pharmacy on my campus (I live out of state away from my parents). So, I had my psychiatrist transfer my scrips over to the mail order pharmacy. She switched over a total of 5 prescriptions.

One of my medications shipped out earlier than the others because I needed an immediate refill. My other meds shipped out a week later, and this first medication, my sleep medication, still hadn’t arriver. Two weeks later, sleep meds still haven’t arrived.

They finally arrived—somehow, the pharmacy put the zip code of my parents on the package, but my street address. I do not understand how that happened, considering all my scrips were transferred at the same time and this didn’t happen with any of the others.

I texted my mom, and she was furious. It turns out they’ve messed up her and my dad’s meds as well (they’re both diabetic and my dad has cholesterol concerns).

For two weeks, with finals right around the corner, and while working two jobs, I was averaging about two hours of sleep a night, some nights only sleeping for 30 minutes to an hour.

My mom told me she’s actually considering quitting this job because of how badly this insurance policy is affecting our health.

Thank you if you read all of this, I know it’s very ranty. I just can’t believe they policed our medication like this. I’m sure it affected other employees as well.

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