
Consider the word capital.

So I was thinking about root words, origins, etymology today. Capitalism has, as a root, the latin capitalis, then caput. Caput meant head, capitalis was “pertaining to the head”. Hence, capitals are the head of government. Decapitate is removing one's head. So how does capitalize (to take advantage of) fit? To become the head of something, to take power. The people that put capitalism into practice knew exactly what it was. A system designed to take power and control from others. To take advantage of others for personal gain. It's never been about economic growth, developing industry and productivity. It's always been about taking power from others. Anything else that happens is a side effect of the intended goal to oppress and exploit. I mean hell, “to exploit” and “to capitalize on” mean the same damn thing.

So I was thinking about root words, origins, etymology today. Capitalism has, as a root, the latin capitalis, then caput. Caput meant head, capitalis was “pertaining to the head”. Hence, capitals are the head of government. Decapitate is removing one's head.

So how does capitalize (to take advantage of) fit? To become the head of something, to take power.

The people that put capitalism into practice knew exactly what it was. A system designed to take power and control from others. To take advantage of others for personal gain. It's never been about economic growth, developing industry and productivity. It's always been about taking power from others. Anything else that happens is a side effect of the intended goal to oppress and exploit. I mean hell, “to exploit” and “to capitalize on” mean the same damn thing.

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