
I waited for half an hour for an interview just for them to offer me $10/hr (Australia)

Let me just say trying to find work as an international student in Australia is so absurdly hard i cannot wait until i get my partner visa. one of the fun perks of being an international student is every other job you apply to sees a target on your back and predates upon you with illegal cash under the table low wage jobs. i've worked one of these before, when i was at my lowest and couldn't afford rent, they ultimately didn't pay me and i had to claw it back from them through the fair work ombudsman. absolute pain. this time i had applied to a job at a bubble tea shop, fairly easy and i've done it before. I walk in, theres a group of 5 or so people also waiting for an interview and i end up sitting there for half an hour waiting my turn. When…

Let me just say trying to find work as an international student in Australia is so absurdly hard i cannot wait until i get my partner visa.

one of the fun perks of being an international student is every other job you apply to sees a target on your back and predates upon you with illegal cash under the table low wage jobs. i've worked one of these before, when i was at my lowest and couldn't afford rent, they ultimately didn't pay me and i had to claw it back from them through the fair work ombudsman. absolute pain.

this time i had applied to a job at a bubble tea shop, fairly easy and i've done it before. I walk in, theres a group of 5 or so people also waiting for an interview and i end up sitting there for half an hour waiting my turn. When it got to me i was respectful, laid out my resume, and had a discussion with the owner, fairly routine.

At some point he switched gears, he started off by saying “okay well you can work full time here, 7 days a week. (i only applied for part time work) in this economy everybody needs a second job to survive, and we are very accomodating, so we can work around your schedule.”

he grabbed my resume and began writing on it, “to start off, in training you'll make $10/hr…” I interrupted him “That's illegal”
he looked a bit shocked and continued “yeah okay, to start off…” I interrupted him again, much louder, “That's illegal”
he tried to continue on again, but i grabbed my things and got up. “wha- i'm not finished, okay” he said, looking shocked. and i just walked out.

i swear to god i have gotten so many illegal offers before but $10 is the lowest i have ever heard.
for reference min wage is like 23/hr and i'm 25 so my award would be higher depending on my role.

absolutely absurd.

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