
Boss threatening to write my boyfriend up as no call no show

So here's the situation. My boyfriend and I are planning on helping a friend move this coming Thursday. We wrote both our names in the request off book for this day. We did this well over a week in advance before the schedule was made. Our boss gave the day off but not my boyfriend. I was the first one who saw the schedule so I was the one who ended up reminding him over text that my boyfriend can't and won't be there. This is the text I sent: Hey boss , I just wanted to let you know that boyfriend isn't going to be able to make it to work next Thursday. We have plans to help friend/shift manager move and they cannot be changed. To that, I personally got no response. The boss went to the friend we're helping and told her he can't do that saying…

So here's the situation. My boyfriend and I are planning on helping a friend move this coming Thursday. We wrote both our names in the request off book for this day. We did this well over a week in advance before the schedule was made.
Our boss gave the day off but not my boyfriend. I was the first one who saw the schedule so I was the one who ended up reminding him over text that my boyfriend can't and won't be there. This is the text I sent:

Hey boss , I just wanted to let you know that boyfriend isn't going to be able to make it to work next Thursday. We have plans to help friend/shift manager move and they cannot be changed.

To that, I personally got no response. The boss went to the friend we're helping and told her he can't do that saying “I'll have to shut down early. I don't have anyone else I can schedule.” and proceeded to say that he can MAKE my boyfriend come in at a bit later time if necessary.
Of course, this all got back to us and again we said that .. no, he's not working that day.

So now it is Monday and again, none of the information is being said directly to us.. but the boss told this manager that if my boyfriend doesn't show up that day, he's writing him up for being a no call no show. (So many of those and you'll be let go with out warning, no matter the BS excuse for being written up).

Also for context, this is the fifth time in the last month that this boss has put right refused to work with us and even try to give us our requested days off. We request this day or that day off together and it doesn't seem to matter. He claims it's because he's so short staffed and “there's just no other way”, but every single other person gets days off when they need it. Not to mention when the assistant manager got sick and called off.. same day, he was able to get a replacement from another store in to cover her for the rest of the week. (Last week. Our staffing situation hasn't changed.)

I'm already talking with another manager from a different store about transferring the f outta here asap, but I don't know if it's going to hold since I need permission from the area supervisor AND my current jerk of a boss. I might just up and quit on him and apply to the other store at this point.

This post is half vent, half asking.. is there anything I can do to stop him for wrongfully penalizing my boyfriend? Legally can he lie like that?

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