
If monkeys drove trucks , they would nt let any other monkey suffer like this.

​ ​ I can tell you for sure, that if monkeys drove trucks , they would nt let any other monkey suffer like this. ​ no animal is as apathitical like human . NONE! ​ Humans consider themselves the smartest and best species of the planet. ​ reading religious texts, i was reminded of how i should value being born as a human. As if that's the best thing happen. ​ but the more i understand and observe the world. The more i realise, that human life, esp in modern times is a huge deprivation. Our smartness and intelligency has made us loose wisdom, empathy not just for others, but for self too. ​ I see people living on roads, having nothing to eat. Begging. And i see the rich privieleged moving on with their lives as if these pains are invisible. As if these people and their plight…

I can tell you for sure, that if monkeys drove trucks , they would nt let any other monkey suffer like this.

no animal is as apathitical like human .


Humans consider themselves the smartest and best species of the planet.

reading religious texts, i was reminded of how i should value being born as a human. As if that's the best thing happen.

but the more i understand and observe the world. The more i realise, that human life, esp in modern times is a huge deprivation. Our smartness and intelligency has made us loose wisdom, empathy not just for others, but for self too.

I see people living on roads, having nothing to eat. Begging. And i see the rich privieleged moving on with their lives as if these pains are invisible. As if these people and their plight is invisible.

these rich, are busy in IPL, discussing latest fashion trends, dishes food etc. Spending premium on luxury products and have no iota of shame in paying peanuts to their employees citing “market conditions”

such apathy is mind boggling for someone who can observe and absorb it.

This dumbfoundedness does not end here, even in personal lives, how humans value materialism more than EMOTIONS, how empathy take a backseat really does not seems like humans are smart. How toxicity is justified for materialsitic gains.

is beyond comprehension for ANYONE with conscience.

to be honest, i am not very proud of being born as a human. Being around human. Esp in the current times. Good humans are rare. And they also suffer, get subjugated, used, and abused.

Rest majority are douche, dumb and living in misery created or chosen by themselves.

Photo by me

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