
Irrefutable excuses to bunk off work?

So covid came & went &despite nearly being rumbled by a flatulent colleague, having no sense of smell’s hard to fake given I never really caught Covid 5 x (at all, not even once). Then war broke out in Ukraine my Ukrainian father’s family lost 16 immediate members, as my tiny family were running out of dearest/nearest to take bereavement leave until my Russian mother also began to lose cousins& uncles sent to the meat grinder shot by their own sergeants for insubordination like throwing grenades into civilian shelters. The reality of it all feels wrong to use for excuses. So I’m thinking “global warming”. Anyone got any better ideas?

So covid came & went &despite nearly being rumbled by a flatulent colleague, having no sense of smell’s hard to fake given I never really caught Covid 5 x (at all, not even once). Then war broke out in Ukraine my Ukrainian father’s family lost 16 immediate members, as my tiny family were running out of dearest/nearest to take bereavement leave until my Russian mother also began to lose cousins& uncles sent to the meat grinder shot by their own sergeants for insubordination like throwing grenades into civilian shelters. The reality of it all feels wrong to use for excuses. So I’m thinking “global warming”. Anyone got any better ideas?

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