
Just needed to get this off my chest

I quit my job the other day, mainly due to not being appreciated or compensated for the amount of work I was putting in. For context, my workplace hierarchy goes barista, team leader, supervisor. When I was promoted to team leader, I didn’t get a raise. All the other team leaders got a raise with their promotion except me. Then I found out that me (a team leader) was getting the same hourly wage as a NEW HIRE. I decided to quit, and four other team leaders and supervisors also quit at the same time. My boss promoted one of the team leaders to supervisor right after she put in her two weeks (but obviously did not promote me). Then she gave everyone who was quitting a farewell gift, which was a gift card. One of my coworkers asked me about “the $200 gift card.” My gift card was only…

I quit my job the other day, mainly due to not being appreciated or compensated for the amount of work I was putting in. For context, my workplace hierarchy goes barista, team leader, supervisor. When I was promoted to team leader, I didn’t get a raise. All the other team leaders got a raise with their promotion except me. Then I found out that me (a team leader) was getting the same hourly wage as a NEW HIRE. I decided to quit, and four other team leaders and supervisors also quit at the same time. My boss promoted one of the team leaders to supervisor right after she put in her two weeks (but obviously did not promote me). Then she gave everyone who was quitting a farewell gift, which was a gift card. One of my coworkers asked me about “the $200 gift card.” My gift card was only $100. I was the only one who got $100 (all four of the others quitting got $200). I guess my boss felt like she could do whatever she wanted with me and I wouldn’t complain (sadly true). I’m so glad I’m done with that job and moving on with my life.

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