At work we have had a project that has been delayed several times because of COVID, and recently we either find a way around what we needed or there was a miscommunication of what we were trying to do and we found a way to move forward. Recently I received a calendar invite from my supervisor showing the date that worked for the vendors to come onsite and shutdown the plant to facilitate this project. After I accepted it I noticed that the window started on Memorial Day weekend and ran through until the following weekend.
I rolled over to my managers cube and told him “Hey, I have a trip on the calendar for that weekend.” His response? “Yeah well that weekend is my birthday and anniversary so deal with it. Their next window is in September”. Luckily I didn't make this trip plans so I didn't have a deposit set but I was going to a cabin on the lake with some friends who live out of state whom I haven't seen in awhile. And this isn't impacting what we are doing! SO WHY THE FLYING F&*K do I have to cancel my shit?!
So now following the wake of me working two weekends prior, I get to give up my vacation, work 13 days in a row, and not get paid for the holiday because it's only us who has to work. I am so done with this place. If I had more of a back bone I'd tell them that I'm going and they can fire me if they want but there aren't any jobs around me so I'd likely have to move if I left.
We need more unions. Salary is the modern day Slavery.