
Anaphylactic Shock at work

This is a story from my wife who works for a shit employer. The short version is the company she works for does not have a no perfume or no cologne policy. Her coworker has gone into anaphylactic shock 3 times at work, very clearly due to a dude who wears cologne. They work in cubicles, and only the big wigs have offices. She has requested to WFH and been denied because no one at the company is allowed to. She won’t be given a private office because, according to the company, she would still have to use common areas and hallways, so it won’t do any good. They also won’t enforce a no cologne or perfume policy because “they can’t control what people wear”..? Seems very very strange. Does she have a leg to stand on? To me this seems like an ADA violation and she should sue the…

This is a story from my wife who works for a shit employer.

The short version is the company she works for does not have a no perfume or no cologne policy. Her coworker has gone into anaphylactic shock 3 times at work, very clearly due to a dude who wears cologne. They work in cubicles, and only the big wigs have offices. She has requested to WFH and been denied because no one at the company is allowed to. She won’t be given a private office because, according to the company, she would still have to use common areas and hallways, so it won’t do any good. They also won’t enforce a no cologne or perfume policy because “they can’t control what people wear”..? Seems very very strange.

Does she have a leg to stand on? To me this seems like an ADA violation and she should sue the living hell out of the company, but I don’t know the ins and outs. Are there any resources she can look into, aside from a new job? This is Wa state

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