
I’m done stressing myself out to make some CEO rich(er)

Incoming vent: I ended up in the ER two weeks ago foe a hypertensive crisis. I now take blood pressure medicine. At 35. Put in my two weeks after getting another job offer — in my field, room for more certifications, advancement. Supervisor is trying to stress me out and be an ass about all these things that need to happen before I go. Bitch, my two week notice will turn into a right fucking now notice. Last day is Friday and I'm perfectly okay with sitting at home and chilling with my cats and crafts if my supervisor wants to keep her ass on her shoulders. That is all.

Incoming vent:

I ended up in the ER two weeks ago foe a hypertensive crisis. I now take blood pressure medicine. At 35.

Put in my two weeks after getting another job offer — in my field, room for more certifications, advancement.

Supervisor is trying to stress me out and be an ass about all these things that need to happen before I go. Bitch, my two week notice will turn into a right fucking now notice.

Last day is Friday and I'm perfectly okay with sitting at home and chilling with my cats and crafts if my supervisor wants to keep her ass on her shoulders.

That is all.

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