
I feel like my boss is out to get me.

Am I wrong to believe that my boss is out to get me ever since I got pregnant. In the beginning of my pregnancy things weren't so bad I formed my boss my store manager very early on about 5 weeks and that I was pregnant. I did not want to take any chances getting hurt or anything on the job as this is my first child. As things progress I would go to the bathroom more often. My boss had made a comment a time or two about my frequent bathroom visits and how it was strange that I'd get morning sickness at 1:00 in the afternoon. I also got in trouble for being on my phone while taking a lunch in the office which I forgot to clock out for and that is my fault. And so he wrote me up for it being on the phone not…

Am I wrong to believe that my boss is out to get me ever since I got pregnant. In the beginning of my pregnancy things weren't so bad I formed my boss my store manager very early on about 5 weeks and that I was pregnant. I did not want to take any chances getting hurt or anything on the job as this is my first child. As things progress I would go to the bathroom more often. My boss had made a comment a time or two about my frequent bathroom visits and how it was strange that I'd get morning sickness at 1:00 in the afternoon.

I also got in trouble for being on my phone while taking a lunch in the office which I forgot to clock out for and that is my fault. And so he wrote me up for it being on the phone not forgetting to clock out. And also for not babysitting a problem employee The employee not being in the green zone because I should have been aware of what he was doing at all times.

Yet still expected to get everything else in the store far away from this employee.. and then today I get written up for the phone again despite the fact that I was texting a work employee who was letting me know that they would be late. I showed him proof that that was what was going on and that I then took the phone set it down on the counter plugged it in and left it there. He claims my phone was back in my hand after walking away and plugging it in and I say no that is our store device that is in my hand.

I was not on my phone scrolling or doing anything else I took it out check the message check for responses and set it down. No customer was present at this time nor was I neglecting my job duty. he also added in the write-up that I failed to do my opening duties and failed to complete our truck delivery. However I was alone until 10:00 a.m. with customers coming as you can see on the cameras I was taking care of customers every couple minutes therefore chose not to leave the register to do the stuff as it was study.

And as being alone in our store I felt according to our company policy that my eyes needed to be on the self checkout at all times as is expectation. Then I got in trouble for another employee who is considered a manager not finishing cosmetics despite the fact telling them that it need to get finished. I refuse to argue with other employees and try to force them to do work they do not want to do as it gets me nowhere. I informed my boss of this. I also got in trouble for RIT man being behind our counter to fix the pin pad because according to my boss he was not needed to be back there.

And I thought back and got mad because I was not on that register at all until I clocked out and realized it was not working. I informed my boss that the IT man told me what he needed to do and I trusted that he was doing his job as he knows how to do it correctly.
So am I in the wrong for what I believe is going on here. There is more to this conversation but I do not have room to post that right now.

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