
Company just had their quarterly town hall

It's been a tough year for our company, and by “tough year,” I mean “last year was a stellar year, and we made less money this year.” There have been several rounds of layoffs. Our market is cyclical, meaning next year they'll have to hire a bunch of inexperienced people to take over for people who were here 10+ years. We had our quarterly town hall, and someone asked about raises. The answer was, “Do you want a 3% raise, or do you want us to not lay off 3% of you?” And they still won't say layoffs are over, so we may get layoffs anyway. I'm beyond done.

It's been a tough year for our company, and by “tough year,” I mean “last year was a stellar year, and we made less money this year.” There have been several rounds of layoffs. Our market is cyclical, meaning next year they'll have to hire a bunch of inexperienced people to take over for people who were here 10+ years.

We had our quarterly town hall, and someone asked about raises. The answer was, “Do you want a 3% raise, or do you want us to not lay off 3% of you?” And they still won't say layoffs are over, so we may get layoffs anyway.

I'm beyond done.

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