
First disrespect, now cut my hours

I work as a server. I make decent money, usually at least around $100 a night. It’s enough for me. Close to $200 on a busy one. I work usually 35 hours and 4-5 days a week, closing most nights. My partner got super sick out of now where a few days ago, vomiting and all that jazz… I was worried for numerous reasons… he was home alone and struggling to take care of himself, I had been feeling a bit sick myself for days prior, and then I find out two people at my work had called out sick too, one of which had Covid. I notified one of my managers, was told it was OK and they’d see if someone could cover so I could go home and rest/test. Second manager comes out and lays into me. Tells me that vomiting isn’t a symptom of Covid (it is),…

I work as a server. I make decent money, usually at least around $100 a night. It’s enough for me. Close to $200 on a busy one. I work usually 35 hours and 4-5 days a week, closing most nights. My partner got super sick out of now where a few days ago, vomiting and all that jazz… I was worried for numerous reasons… he was home alone and struggling to take care of himself, I had been feeling a bit sick myself for days prior, and then I find out two people at my work had called out sick too, one of which had Covid. I notified one of my managers, was told it was OK and they’d see if someone could cover so I could go home and rest/test. Second manager comes out and lays into me. Tells me that vomiting isn’t a symptom of Covid (it is), and when I say that my whole family had experienced it with Covid previously, I’m interrupted and told to cut the attitude. Tells me that he is “seriously doubting me”. This is in front of my coworkers and everyone. I’m fuming at that point. He tells me I can leave for the day but I will NEED a doctors note. A subtle threat is what it felt like.

I shell out money for a note rather than resting, and they cut my hours. Schedule is posted and I’m down to 3 days, 25 hours. No doubt in my mind it’s purposeful. I’ve heard them disrespecting others at my job, mostly new people because they all know each-other and most have been there from the start. I don’t know what to do. I have rent to pay, and they cut my hours. I’m at a loss. I haven’t missed a day of work until now. People get fired or quit a lot here for seemingly small reasons… now I’m seeing it first hand.

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