
Is it really so much to ask for a “We went another way with this position”?

So- I've been job-searching for a little bit now after I left my last position kinda abruptly. Found a place that I thought would be good to work at and that overlapped with my own interests personally. I emailed them and within a few hours they called me in for an interview. The wage they described matched up with what I was looking for. They emailed me back the next day for a second interview with one of the people that would've been sort of managing the department I wanted to get into. From my perspective, they both went great. When I have interviews like that, I've historically been offered the position. But a week went by- I didn't hear anything from them. So I called them up and asked if they needed anything else from me and if they had any updates on the position. “No, sorry we're still…

So- I've been job-searching for a little bit now after I left my last position kinda abruptly. Found a place that I thought would be good to work at and that overlapped with my own interests personally. I emailed them and within a few hours they called me in for an interview. The wage they described matched up with what I was looking for. They emailed me back the next day for a second interview with one of the people that would've been sort of managing the department I wanted to get into. From my perspective, they both went great. When I have interviews like that, I've historically been offered the position. But a week went by- I didn't hear anything from them. So I called them up and asked if they needed anything else from me and if they had any updates on the position. “No, sorry we're still interviewing and making our decision” Fine. I waited another week. Still no reply. Two days ago I sent them another email- basically asking if I could have a timeframe on when they thought they would have a decision for me. No Response. My first email asking for a job interview? I got a response in a matter of hours. At this point I'm pretty sure they're just blowing me off because they decided not to give me the job, but after two interviews and weeks of waiting- Am I really asking for so much for them to just send me a fucking email back? It's so frustrating.

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