
sag/aftra strike is ludicrous, it doesnt apply to any other industry so why them?

Their argument is residuals. I'm an electrician and people would call me fucking insane if i demanded money every time someone switched on a light I installed, or sold a house that I ran all the cables for, or rented out a commercial space I did everything for. Same principle, different job. I know a guy who wrote documentation for an airfield outside Brisbane, does he deserve payment every time someone has to use it? What about plumbers? Do they deserve to get paid every time someone takes a shit in a toilet they installed? Fucking bunch of sooks. They should get paid once for the time like the rest of us.

Their argument is residuals. I'm an electrician and people would call me fucking insane if i demanded money every time someone switched on a light I installed, or sold a house that I ran all the cables for, or rented out a commercial space I did everything for.

Same principle, different job. I know a guy who wrote documentation for an airfield outside Brisbane, does he deserve payment every time someone has to use it? What about plumbers? Do they deserve to get paid every time someone takes a shit in a toilet they installed?

Fucking bunch of sooks. They should get paid once for the time like the rest of us.

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