
Subcontract or quit

I work for a maple company in Vt. We had a particularly bad season this year, and we didn't produce nearly enough syrup to turn a profit. With no warning this week, all of the sap house and woods crew employees were told that they (myself included) would be subcontracted out to a construction company as manual labor and truck drivers or you have to quit. This includes full-time staff, which I am. I have been told that we would be paid by our company, not the construction company, so we aren't being laid off. I was hired as a full-time employee. I know state law can be tricky, but is this legal? I would like to find a different job that suits my skill sets, but if I quit, I dont qualify for unemployment. I already sent an email and left a message at the state labor department, but…

I work for a maple company in Vt. We had a particularly bad season this year, and we didn't produce nearly enough syrup to turn a profit. With no warning this week, all of the sap house and woods crew employees were told that they (myself included) would be subcontracted out to a construction company as manual labor and truck drivers or you have to quit. This includes full-time staff, which I am. I have been told that we would be paid by our company, not the construction company, so we aren't being laid off. I was hired as a full-time employee. I know state law can be tricky, but is this legal? I would like to find a different job that suits my skill sets, but if I quit, I dont qualify for unemployment. I already sent an email and left a message at the state labor department, but I am worried about how long it will take for them to get back to me. My manager is asking for an answer today, and I am curious what you guys think. Thanks

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