
What the fuck

So, I am not a crier. My partner shows her emotions very easily and it’s beautiful. I, however, just don’t cry. It’s not a thing and it’s ok. I’m not like….saving up tears or anything, it’s just not a natural thing for me. I cried at work today. For like 1/2 an hour. And it’s been Years since that happened. The day and the person I was assisting led me to. I called my supervisors, had a talk with them and the person I was assisting, and finished my shift because I didn’t want to leave anyone in a lurch. I got back to the main hub, emailed my main supervisor and said that tomorrow I would be taking a mental health sick day. This mother fucker just called me at 9:45pm. I’m supposed to work at 8am if coming in for the shift (which I emailed at 5:30p that…

So, I am not a crier. My partner shows her emotions very easily and it’s beautiful. I, however, just don’t cry. It’s not a thing and it’s ok. I’m not like….saving up tears or anything, it’s just not a natural thing for me. I cried at work today. For like 1/2 an hour. And it’s been Years since that happened. The day and the person I was assisting led me to. I called my supervisors, had a talk with them and the person I was assisting, and finished my shift because I didn’t want to leave anyone in a lurch. I got back to the main hub, emailed my main supervisor and said that tomorrow I would be taking a mental health sick day.

This mother fucker just called me at 9:45pm. I’m supposed to work at 8am if coming in for the shift (which I emailed at 5:30p that I would not be coming to) and proceeded to tell me they’re disappointed in me and that I’m on my probationary period. Not asking about the details of the day, or how I was feeling, just that it looked really bad for the current status I’m in. I told them it was frustrating that they said that and they suggested we talk in person on Wednesday because “I guess you’re just not coming in tomorrow, then?”

I’m so fucking heated. I already planned to spend all day tomorrow sending out applications because this job is absolute garbage and wasn’t advertised appropriately, but what the fuck.

AND I have an ADA. Documented. Wtf.

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