
Enjoy job in healthcare, just hate the state of healthcare in general

I genuinely do enjoy my job in healthcare. But honestly it is prone to some despicable personalities. I’ve come to the realization you can do everything right, find the perfect job, and it will still get fucking destroyed by a new egotistical manager or some shit. You can fight it but in the end upper management will back them and leave you high and dry, they still don’t give a flying fuck about you or the fact that you actually do your job and save lives. Let’s just say that happened recently to me and honestly it’s just come to me in the grand scheme of things, at least hospital-wise, it will always be about money. If you’re not on that board of executives and upper management on salary, whatever specialty/department you are, nurse, sterile processing, EVS, reception, etc. None of their decisions will have those workers in mind. They…

I genuinely do enjoy my job in healthcare. But honestly it is prone to some despicable personalities. I’ve come to the realization you can do everything right, find the perfect job, and it will still get fucking destroyed by a new egotistical manager or some shit. You can fight it but in the end upper management will back them and leave you high and dry, they still don’t give a flying fuck about you or the fact that you actually do your job and save lives. Let’s just say that happened recently to me and honestly it’s just come to me in the grand scheme of things, at least hospital-wise, it will always be about money. If you’re not on that board of executives and upper management on salary, whatever specialty/department you are, nurse, sterile processing, EVS, reception, etc. None of their decisions will have those workers in mind. They couldn’t give a flying fuck. Just the billions of dollars they’re trying to pocket by short staffing us and overcharging patients. I’m honestly moving towards getting out of healthcare, it’s just such a bleak future and too prone to despicable people being in charge. I know that’s really any industry but it is so fucking prevalent and vicious in healthcare. I’m tired. I care but I’m fucking tired man.

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