
Wanted to to share with you an interview I had several years ago

I had an interview with Lowe’s about 15 years ago and it was hilarious to me. It was the peak of the recession in America and I had just quit a warehouse job because the management was incompetent (multiple higher ups not on the same page with anything directly effecting me and my coworkers). I go into this Lowe’s interview and sit down with the first guy, pretty chill dude, likes me a lot. Okay sweet. Then the second interviewer comes in, straight laced take-myself-super-serious type (we’ve all met one I’m sure). He asks me why I quit my very well paying warehouse job in the middle of a recession and I told him the truth, incompetent management. THE WAY THIS DUDE STARED AT ME! I swear I will never forget it. It was like he was absolutely appalled that I would say such a thing about the DIVINE managers.…

I had an interview with Lowe’s about 15 years ago and it was hilarious to me. It was the peak of the recession in America and I had just quit a warehouse job because the management was incompetent (multiple higher ups not on the same page with anything directly effecting me and my coworkers).

I go into this Lowe’s interview and sit down with the first guy, pretty chill dude, likes me a lot. Okay sweet. Then the second interviewer comes in, straight laced take-myself-super-serious type (we’ve all met one I’m sure). He asks me why I quit my very well paying warehouse job in the middle of a recession and I told him the truth, incompetent management. THE WAY THIS DUDE STARED AT ME! I swear I will never forget it. It was like he was absolutely appalled that I would say such a thing about the DIVINE managers. All I could do is stare in return with a smirk on my face. At this point I knew it was over and I just wanted the awkwardness to end lmao. He said “we’re finished, we’ll be in touch”.

Fast forward to a few months ago. I now own a small construction business and do well for myself while being my own boss and your boy is still trying to suck his way up that soulless ladder. The look on that dickhead’s face has kept me motivated for years….

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