
Asked to be laid off

My company had layoffs couple weeks ago and I was not included in the layoff list. I asked my boss to be included but he didnt seem to believe me. So I went to my boss’s boss and asked him. Interestering enough the guy wasnt pissed off and actually said would try to make it happen. This has been over a week ago and I followed up, but no final decision yet. Apparently useless HR guy was on vacation. Anyone ever been in a situation like this?

My company had layoffs couple weeks ago and I was not included in the layoff list. I asked my boss to be included but he didnt seem to believe me. So I went to my boss’s boss and asked him. Interestering enough the guy wasnt pissed off and actually said would try to make it happen. This has been over a week ago and I followed up, but no final decision yet. Apparently useless HR guy was on vacation. Anyone ever been in a situation like this?

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