
company wanted us to work on public holiday – workers council said no!

I was working for a big company on some project. Top management agreed (by casting dice during a full moon while high) to have the busiest project phase mid May, where all the public holidays are. The great plan: the full team works on public holidays, and of course they mercifully offered to give us the days back as PTO. Well, someone told this plan to our local workers council and they very quickly intervened & forbade the entire thing, as they only allow this exceptionally for truly business critical work. Thankfully, that is not our project. ā€‹ So, a big thanks to all unions and worker councils. We need more of them.

I was working for a big company on some project. Top management agreed (by casting dice during a full moon while high) to have the busiest project phase mid May, where all the public holidays are.

The great plan: the full team works on public holidays, and of course they mercifully offered to give us the days back as PTO.

Well, someone told this plan to our local workers council and they very quickly intervened & forbade the entire thing, as they only allow this exceptionally for truly business critical work. Thankfully, that is not our project.


So, a big thanks to all unions and worker councils. We need more of them.

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