
I need to “get to know people”

My boss had a development chat with me. He says I need to be more visible, and get to know people (in the business) outside of work. I work at a large corporation. He says being at the office is important for visibility. He expects me to make friends with at least one person by the end of the year (in a non-work way). How about the fact that I have adhd and autism as well as anxiety issues (he knows). I struggle with social situations but I am good at my job and being productive. I don't have friends in my life and here my boss is expecting this of me because it's what a professional does. Apparently there is no place for negativity in the office either. Despite having to work unpaid overtime and weekends regularly. For me, I'm there to gain the experience and learn before I…

My boss had a development chat with me. He says I need to be more visible, and get to know people (in the business) outside of work. I work at a large corporation. He says being at the office is important for visibility. He expects me to make friends with at least one person by the end of the year (in a non-work way).

How about the fact that I have adhd and autism as well as anxiety issues (he knows). I struggle with social situations but I am good at my job and being productive. I don't have friends in my life and here my boss is expecting this of me because it's what a professional does.

Apparently there is no place for negativity in the office either. Despite having to work unpaid overtime and weekends regularly. For me, I'm there to gain the experience and learn before I get the fuck out of that mess of a hell hole. There is no order or structure, senior leadership are always leaving lately. Most people have only been there a couple years but this company has been around for over half a century.

Fuck I hate that place… It enshrines what you'd think working at a corporation is like. It is soulless, yet they push their culture “we are one!” it's a fucking mess.

I work to live, I don't live to work.

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