
I reported my boss, she said I make work uncomfortable

I made a formal complaint about my boss. 10 point complaint. From little things to against HIPAA things. Last week she made a really awkward situation for me by trying to make it look like I was throwing someone under the bus when I wasn't and then proceeded to blame me for her emailing the wrong person and then not forward it. Then I added it to my complaint. We had a sit down today where she told me she can sense the uncomfortableness, and hostility towards her. By that she means where I give short email replies, nothing thought out, just yes I did this no I did not do this here's this info for you. I said I'm sorry If I made her feel that way but that right now im not her biggest fan and would rather have some personal space until I can get over it.…

I made a formal complaint about my boss. 10 point complaint. From little things to against HIPAA things. Last week she made a really awkward situation for me by trying to make it look like I was throwing someone under the bus when I wasn't and then proceeded to blame me for her emailing the wrong person and then not forward it. Then I added it to my complaint.

We had a sit down today where she told me she can sense the uncomfortableness, and hostility towards her. By that she means where I give short email replies, nothing thought out, just yes I did this no I did not do this here's this info for you. I said I'm sorry If I made her feel that way but that right now im not her biggest fan and would rather have some personal space until I can get over it. She said she hired me because she thought I'd fit in great with the team.. and I do. She's just upset I was hurt by her and need some space. She even cried.

Oh well! Looks like I'll be unemployed soon!

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