
My job wants to cut my pay in half

I make 10¢ Above minimum wage and the company i work for switched their classification so that most of the servers are being paid the standard server rate. The selling point is that we would make more from tips but, as it is, we already aren’t making much from tips. I know the company is hemorrhaging money and just trying not pay its staff because they don’t market properly and follow weird ideas since the creators are out of touch with reality. The company thinks paying us less will be an incentive to work harder for tips and be even better to customers but the opposite is going to happen. If you pay me below minimum wage, you get below minimum effort.

I make 10¢ Above minimum wage and the company i work for switched their classification so that most of the servers are being paid the standard server rate. The selling point is that we would make more from tips but, as it is, we already aren’t making much from tips. I know the company is hemorrhaging money and just trying not pay its staff because they don’t market properly and follow weird ideas since the creators are out of touch with reality.

The company thinks paying us less will be an incentive to work harder for tips and be even better to customers but the opposite is going to happen. If you pay me below minimum wage, you get below minimum effort.

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