
Do you really think I care about your quotas, (insert job) if you don’t care about us?

So I’ve been working at this generic corporate job as a cashier for minimum wage for a couple of months now and overall I’ve enjoyed my coworkers and that’s pretty much it. I’m so sick of quotas we need to meet based on nothing but statistics made my people who haven’t worked a minimum wage job in decades. Maybe someone’s sick or we’re understaffed or it’s so busy we can’t get to everything we need to do, it doesn’t matter. It’s so micromanaged and heavily monitored it’s nuts. Maybe I’m just a “lazy Gen Z’er” but I’m not going to go out of my way to make sure your profits are what they “should be”. They’re trying to get a constant out of something that isn’t constant. The amount of sales and customers changes every day but they still expect this average. If we’re below this average due to factors…

So I’ve been working at this generic corporate job as a cashier for minimum wage for a couple of months now and overall I’ve enjoyed my coworkers and that’s pretty much it. I’m so sick of quotas we need to meet based on nothing but statistics made my people who haven’t worked a minimum wage job in decades. Maybe someone’s sick or we’re understaffed or it’s so busy we can’t get to everything we need to do, it doesn’t matter. It’s so micromanaged and heavily monitored it’s nuts. Maybe I’m just a “lazy Gen Z’er” but I’m not going to go out of my way to make sure your profits are what they “should be”. They’re trying to get a constant out of something that isn’t constant. The amount of sales and customers changes every day but they still expect this average. If we’re below this average due to factors outside our control it doesn’t matter. There’s such a disconnect it makes every day so frustrating.

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