
Anyone else noticed employers are combining multiple jobs into one?

I work a cashier job aboard a ferry. We serve pretty basic fried foods, prepackaged sandwiches, and chips. We also have a gift shop full of knick knacks. I often get assigned to the retail department, so it seems like most of my duties should be based around the gift shop, but in practice, it seems like I am expected to do the work of 5 different employees. Most days, I am expected to split time in both the food area and the gift shop. When in the gift shop, I am expected to ring up customers, create an inventory order sheet if we are low on something, restock items when we get them in, sweep the floors, and clean all the windows and display glass. When in the food area, I ring up customers, restock chips and candy, make coffee regularly, and restock the ice machine. When we dock…

I work a cashier job aboard a ferry. We serve pretty basic fried foods, prepackaged sandwiches, and chips. We also have a gift shop full of knick knacks.

I often get assigned to the retail department, so it seems like most of my duties should be based around the gift shop, but in practice, it seems like I am expected to do the work of 5 different employees.

Most days, I am expected to split time in both the food area and the gift shop. When in the gift shop, I am expected to ring up customers, create an inventory order sheet if we are low on something, restock items when we get them in, sweep the floors, and clean all the windows and display glass.

When in the food area, I ring up customers, restock chips and candy, make coffee regularly, and restock the ice machine.

When we dock on either side, I am expected to wipe down all the tables in the galley, as well as pick up any trash people leave behind (which is a lot).

Finally, at the end of the day, I am expected to take all the money out of my register, return to the offices on land, go to the money room, fill out a deposit sheet for how much money I made that day both in credit card sales and cash, deposit all but 300 dollars into the vault, and fill out a change request if I need more quarters or whatever.

Maybe I'm in the wrong, but it feels like my duties could be divided into a retail cashier, a food and beverage cashier, a custodian, and an accountant. I am able to carry out my responsibilities, but the big issue is I am only getting paid 16 dollars an hour to do what essentially amounts to four separate jobs.

Is this just a strategy where instead of paying 4 workers 16 dollars an hour, you can just combine their responsibilities into one and pay the exact same amount?

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