
I just heard probably the worst start up idea ever – prerecorded pep talk from an app if your employee is depressed.

So i went to this conference cause i got a free ticket and there was this start up pitch competition, and most of that is hot air, selling bullshit, mostly “we will teach you to code” ideas but the worst one is the guy pitching this app, where you choose what you are feeling, “fear, anxiety, depression” and then the app plays prerecorded talk from a therapist. He actually pitched it as – “companies report that when their employees are depressed they have 20% less sales”, he specifically says they target sales employees, that the companies can buy a subscription, if I remember correctly 39$ per person and that after the use the companies have reported 35% more sales. I really was upset by this idea, cause wtf, your employee is depressed and all he or she needs is a pep talk from an app and yay he can make…

So i went to this conference cause i got a free ticket and there was this start up pitch competition, and most of that is hot air, selling bullshit, mostly “we will teach you to code” ideas but the worst one is the guy pitching this app, where you choose what you are feeling, “fear, anxiety, depression” and then the app plays prerecorded talk from a therapist.

He actually pitched it as – “companies report that when their employees are depressed they have 20% less sales”, he specifically says they target sales employees, that the companies can buy a subscription, if I remember correctly 39$ per person and that after the use the companies have reported 35% more sales.

I really was upset by this idea, cause wtf, your employee is depressed and all he or she needs is a pep talk from an app and yay he can make you profit?

The guy was unironically pitching it as better than talking to an actual human therapist cause I quote “its convenient and cheaper for your company”

Like what the actual fuck?

Peak capitalism, fuck employees mental well being its all about the “sales”?

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