
Fired for having lunch…

Overheard in a place I’ve been temping (manager to casual employee): “I have some really bad news … it’s not working out for me .. you’re not working out for me. It’s a fast-paced environment and I’ve heard you being chatty. It’s not about being chatty. The past couple of days, you’ve come in, you’ve had lunch, you’ve been chatty, I’ve seen it and it’s not working out for me. We’ll pay you for this week but then no more, that’s it.” So many issues here! For context, it’s a cold-calling job … being chatty really helps you get past the first barrier of “fuck off if you’re selling something.” This dismissal should not have been done in front of co-workers. It should have been a private conversation. Having lunch is ok. Like, necessary-to-survive-and-be-productive ok. In most places I’ve worked, having lunch at the desk is ok; no one gives…

Overheard in a place I’ve been temping (manager to casual employee):

“I have some really bad news … it’s not working out for me .. you’re not working out for me. It’s a fast-paced environment and I’ve heard you being chatty. It’s not about being chatty. The past couple of days, you’ve come in, you’ve had lunch, you’ve been chatty, I’ve seen it and it’s not working out for me. We’ll pay you for this week but then no more, that’s it.”

So many issues here!

For context, it’s a cold-calling job … being chatty really helps you get past the first barrier of “fuck off if you’re selling something.”

This dismissal should not have been done in front of co-workers. It should have been a private conversation.

Having lunch is ok. Like, necessary-to-survive-and-be-productive ok. In most places I’ve worked, having lunch at the desk is ok; no one gives a fuck, as long as you clear up after yourself.

Talking to co-workers is ok, too. It’s human nature. It shows we give a shit about other things than the mundane tasks ahead of us. It’s how we make friends and even find partners … by talking to each other about non-work.

Yeah, I’m permanently calling out of there tomorrow!

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