
Workplace Drama and sick pets.

Back here to bitch about my job because I don’t know where else to do it. My cat is currently sick and I’m taking her to the emergency vet. I told my boss and literally her only response was “OK thanks”. I get it it’s not your cat it’s 7 o’clock in the morning. Still, if anyone on this team had asked her she would’ve been very supportive. but not me. I’m the problem one because I regularly go to the doctor and therapy, I take off when Im sick, when the incredibly loud and distracting work environment became too much I got a reasonable accommodation. I advocate for myself and put myself first. I feel bad for her, the team had to convince her to go to a doctor appointment at one point, she almost never takes time off and when she does she still works on her vacation,…

Back here to bitch about my job because I don’t know where else to do it. My cat is currently sick and I’m taking her to the emergency vet. I told my boss and literally her only response was “OK thanks”. I get it it’s not your cat it’s 7 o’clock in the morning. Still, if anyone on this team had asked her she would’ve been very supportive. but not me. I’m the problem one because I regularly go to the doctor and therapy, I take off when Im sick, when the incredibly loud and distracting work environment became too much I got a reasonable accommodation. I advocate for myself and put myself first. I feel bad for her, the team had to convince her to go to a doctor appointment at one point, she almost never takes time off and when she does she still works on her vacation, her husband is a manchild that regularly calls her to ask about food because he can’t feed himself And his parents are trying to push her into having a baby. At least that’s my perspective, maybe she’s happy, maybe she’s fine with it. she’s incredibly successful and if I’m honest, I’m jealous of her, I wish I had the wherewithal to function in the American workforce.

Back to the sick pets, in the winter, the office was getting up to 83° upstairs where we work and I was consistently getting sick and having anxiety attacks because I felt trapped. I repeatedly asked to work downstairs or in a side room with a window, and while she didn’t outright, say no, she literally whined and said “oh, but I want you with the rest of the team I don’t want you to have to do that” while doing nothing about the heat. We can all do our jobs from home, we communicate on Google chat even when we’re 3 feet away from each other. I truly don’t know why I couldn’t move. One day she had to bring her dog in, in the afternoon he was vomiting constantly and panting heavily. Of course she put him in the side room with the window. obviously it’s a dog. It doesn’t need to work. But still, it felt incredibly dehumanizing. I don’t think she realized that, I don’t think she saw it that way, I’m pretty sure she would think I was a baby for seeing it that way. I know I’m sensitive, I know I’m emotional, I go to therapy, I take medication, I’m working on it. I just wish vulnerability wasn’t seen as such a negative thing.

Feel free to tell me I’m just bitching about first world problems. I’m very aware other workplaces are significantly worse, I’ve cleaned piss out of a garbage can in a Michaels bathroom.

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