
On how employers think about relation between wages and staff shorts: a class war.

Often on this subreddit we are talking about how short staffed employers won't rise wages and how it would solve problems with finding people to hire – well we think it would solve things, because may you like it or not we think in old capitalist way – that companies and employers should compete with each other. THAT'S WRONG. THAT'S NOT HOW MODERN CAPITALISTS/COMPANIES/EMPLOYERS THINK. Modern employers think in economic classes. For them it's “us” – companies, employers, investors, people with money and “them” – workers that have to sell their time. When you look at relation between wages and short staff through economic class lenses there is no point in offering employees better wages to work at my company, because if I will give my employees rise to attract more workers to work for me, I may have enough stuff to do work for small period of time, but…

Often on this subreddit we are talking about how short staffed employers won't rise wages and how it would solve problems with finding people to hire – well we think it would solve things, because may you like it or not we think in old capitalist way – that companies and employers should compete with each other.


Modern employers think in economic classes. For them it's “us” – companies, employers, investors, people with money and “them” – workers that have to sell their time.

When you look at relation between wages and short staff through economic class lenses there is no point in offering employees better wages to work at my company, because if I will give my employees rise to attract more workers to work for me, I may have enough stuff to do work for small period of time, but soon other employers and other companies will give employees better wages and I will be short staffed again.

At the end of the day I will have to pay people more and I will still be short staffed.

It doesn't even matter if people will switch from other industry to my industry, because soon the other industry will have to rise pays aswell.

Seeing it through class lenses: employers/companies/investors classes will have less money and class of workers will have more money but job will still be undone.

Competing for workers through wage increase means more money for workers class and less money for employers class – and since employers see themselves as class they don't care if they are short staffed or that other employers earn more – all they care about is to not leave their class and live comfortable of others work.

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