
How can we opt out of capitalism and undermine the current system without inciting violence? I have thoughts and I’d like to hear yours.

I'm doing my best to avoid building capital for others and I plan to document my journey. I'm moving into my car at the end of the month. I'm going to save money to buy a camper and live in that. I'll boondock and do my best to avoid giving capital to landlords or other parasites. I hope to document my adventures and trials in the hope that I can inspire and help others. I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas and I'll add them to the document that I'm putting together. What are your thoughts? OPT OUT WHERE YOU CAN There are myriad ways to strike at the economy. Not everyone can opt out completely, but everyone can opt out somewhere. Stop paying rent: landlords offer nothing of value and drive the cost of homeownership up. They are free riders in our system who don’t deserve to live…

I'm doing my best to avoid building capital for others and I plan to document my journey. I'm moving into my car at the end of the month. I'm going to save money to buy a camper and live in that. I'll boondock and do my best to avoid giving capital to landlords or other parasites. I hope to document my adventures and trials in the hope that I can inspire and help others. I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas and I'll add them to the document that I'm putting together. What are your thoughts?


There are myriad ways to strike at the economy. Not everyone can opt out completely, but everyone can opt out somewhere.

Stop paying rent: landlords offer nothing of value and drive the cost of homeownership up. They are free riders in our system who don’t deserve to live off our work and toil. Make a one-time purchase of a used vehicle to live in, find land to build a tiny house on, or form a commune with others who share your values and seek absolution from members of society who refuse to contribute. Find others in your situation and stay together for safety in numbers.

Buy used/local goods: Shop at local thrift stores or local markets. Avoid thrift chains like the Salvation Army or Good Will. Goodwill’s CEO makes around $500,000 while the average Goodwill worker makes minimum wage. Buy your groceries from local farms, butchers and anywhere you can that doesn’t involve going to a major grocery chain.

Don’t buy anything if you can help it: Sign up for every government aid program you qualify for in an attempt to reclaim some of your tax money. Go dumpster diving. America has a huge food waste problem and it’s driven by greed and corporate profits. Join a farm co-op, grow your own food and share these ideas. Please note: I am not advocation theft. Please don’t steal from local businesses, mom-and-pop operations, or other non-corporate individuals.

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