
Am I just being an entitled brat about working/jobs?

I graduated university about 2 years ago and have been spending my time since then studying for the MCAT, finding out I didn’t want to go to medical school, working an AWESOME personal assistant/dog nanny type job (the couple moved to California so that’s over), traveling with my boyfriend, and have finally decided that I now want to pursue a career as a midwife. Basically I can’t apply to midwifery programs until next fall cause I have to take some extra prerequisites (I had all the classes for medical school but not nursing school, go figure). That’s all going fine and I’m feeling pretty good about it but I had issues with work since I came back from a trip in November. I was working part time at a retail store and I was pretty okay with it. I am a big people person and it was mostly not busy…

I graduated university about 2 years ago and have been spending my time since then studying for the MCAT, finding out I didn’t want to go to medical school, working an AWESOME personal assistant/dog nanny type job (the couple moved to California so that’s over), traveling with my boyfriend, and have finally decided that I now want to pursue a career as a midwife. Basically I can’t apply to midwifery programs until next fall cause I have to take some extra prerequisites (I had all the classes for medical school but not nursing school, go figure). That’s all going fine and I’m feeling pretty good about it but I had issues with work since I came back from a trip in November. I was working part time at a retail store and I was pretty okay with it. I am a big people person and it was mostly not busy so I was able to do some schoolwork during downtime. I was a good employee and would even get dm’s sent to the company’s Instagram raving about my service. It was great until I got this AWFUL manager. Like straight up disrespectful and I quit cause she was impossible to work under (I wrote a crazy good letter about her out of pocket behavior with me to the head honchos, if anybody wants to see it) Anyways, now I just started this new job that pays a lot more and is more in the medical field but it’s AWFUL. It’s an hour commute for me, it’s in a windowless room, only a 30 minute break (not even enough time to go outside and eat food), and the manager is a huge micromanager. The poor people working there are miserable. They can’t stand her and her rude commentaries about how they’re basically incompetent. I know every job has its downsides and I’ve worked bad/literally illegal jobs before but this one feels as if it’s taking a massive toll on my mental health. However, I feel like a weak, entitled brat for wanting to quit 3 weeks in. Am I just being a baby and “can’t take the real world”? Thank you for reading all this if you did, I really would appreciate any input

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