
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is missing the point of why this is happening!*vkjhy1*_ga*MnBpUzlHVmxJa3U5SXJCZmp2Si1ZbzNaRl82LXpfU0JWUlExNFFzT1pDQTEzaVRXN01xdFpFckxOWjhjVktJVQ..#article-11886523 It's not JUST the economy, post-Covid, it's not JUST theft, it's not JUST lack of foot traffic, THESE STORES ARE CLOSING BECAUSE OF LOW WAGES AND SHIT MANAGEMENT!! I say, “Good! Let them die!” This is just proof that underpaid and overworked staff who are fighting back is WORKING.*vkjhy1*_ga*MnBpUzlHVmxJa3U5SXJCZmp2Si1ZbzNaRl82LXpfU0JWUlExNFFzT1pDQTEzaVRXN01xdFpFckxOWjhjVktJVQ..#article-11886523

It's not JUST the economy, post-Covid, it's not JUST theft, it's not JUST lack of foot traffic, THESE STORES ARE CLOSING BECAUSE OF LOW WAGES AND SHIT MANAGEMENT!!
I say, “Good! Let them die!” This is just proof that underpaid and overworked staff who are fighting back is WORKING.

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