
I have covid and it’s apparently my job to find people to cover my shifts and I have to pay for coverage with imaginary coins

I'm on day 3 of covid (which I got at my boss's wedding might I add) and to quote a show I've never watched a full episode of, “everything hurts and I'm dying.” Obviously I'm not going into work. Less obviously, at least to me, they want me to find coverage for my shifts. Which is great because my head is entirely full of cotton wool so what that looks like is me being the middleman in extremely long telephone game email chains where I get told to ask so-and-so if they could come in at this time and when I say they can't then I get told to ask whoever else if they can extend and really it would be easier for everyone if I was removed entirely from the equation. Easier for me obviously, but also easier for the people getting confusing emails and for the person trying…

I'm on day 3 of covid (which I got at my boss's wedding might I add) and to quote a show I've never watched a full episode of, “everything hurts and I'm dying.” Obviously I'm not going into work. Less obviously, at least to me, they want me to find coverage for my shifts. Which is great because my head is entirely full of cotton wool so what that looks like is me being the middleman in extremely long telephone game email chains where I get told to ask so-and-so if they could come in at this time and when I say they can't then I get told to ask whoever else if they can extend and really it would be easier for everyone if I was removed entirely from the equation. Easier for me obviously, but also easier for the people getting confusing emails and for the person trying to schedule this nightmare. However, policy apparently states it's an employee's responsibility to find their own coverage.

Compounding whatever this is, my job currently operates on a “shift bank” policy with imaginary coins. It's as stupid as it sounds. If you want to call out you need to spend a “coin” and you earn coins by taking extra shifts. This was apparently to combat people never taking extra shifts when asked, but there's a very good reason for that because we're a tiny team and usually only 1 or 2 people aren't working on any given day and if you're not working usually you've planned, you know, not work stuff. Errands. Sleeping. Important doctor's appointments (last year I postponed getting the flu shot I had scheduled because they really really really needed me to come in and then I got the flu before my new appointment. Fun times.) Enjoying life. That kind of stuff.

So really I don't know what their plan is if I either a) can't find someone to take a shift which seems very likely (especially this coming weekend) or b) run out of “coins.” No one's run out yet since they implemented this. Do I go into negative? Am I in shift debt? Does any of this make sense even without covid brain fog? Probably not lol. Adding to all the fun the app I'm supposed to use to submit a paid time off request isn't working so that's great too. Hope everyone else is having a better week!

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