
My bosses treat my coworker like shit

I’m getting sick and tired of my job. I’m in marketing and when I was hired in January 2022, I was hired with another person who we’ll call Janice. Janice is in every way, the life of the office and keeps our department afloat. She digs her hands into everything because she’s passionate and wants to make it “the best it can be”. At first our bosses loved this and would get her involved. But over time, as they started making decisions that Janice didn’t agree with, they started cutting her out. Our department head basically told her she’s not to come to him anymore with anything and go straight to our manager… while also touting our office as an open dialogue-type environment. They intentionally don’t tell her things so that she won’t “cause problems” except them not saying anything is causing more issues. Like for example this morning we…

I’m getting sick and tired of my job. I’m in marketing and when I was hired in January 2022, I was hired with another person who we’ll call Janice. Janice is in every way, the life of the office and keeps our department afloat. She digs her hands into everything because she’s passionate and wants to make it “the best it can be”. At first our bosses loved this and would get her involved. But over time, as they started making decisions that Janice didn’t agree with, they started cutting her out. Our department head basically told her she’s not to come to him anymore with anything and go straight to our manager… while also touting our office as an open dialogue-type environment. They intentionally don’t tell her things so that she won’t “cause problems” except them not saying anything is causing more issues. Like for example this morning we had a sponsor call furious that we hadn’t sent them anything for the launch, so Janice scrambled trying to put some assets together only for the sponsor to call back and say that they talked it out with our department head and managers (who are on a work trip) decided to not move forward with the sponsorship. Janice tried to call our department head to confirm and he didn’t answer, but then answered a coworker a few minutes later.

That’s just one example of them treating a good employee like shit, and I’m sick of it. She singlehandedly saved our bosses asses a month or two ago, working so much overtime on a crucial project that they had to force her to take a vacation afterwards (she racked up like 40+ comp hours in two weeks), while they were leaving early to go play golf. Janice has alluded to not feeling welcome anymore and is thinking about leaving, and if she does, I’m not staying to watch the shitshow that is going to ensue when they realize how much she did.

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